Terminology service

The DCC Terminology Service provides SPHN compatible, machine-readable versions of national (CHOP, ICD-10 GM) and international (SNOMED CT, LOINC, ATC, UCUM) terminologies and classifications in RDF formats (.ttl or .owl). They are available directly in the individual project spaces on the BioMedIT nodes or for download through the BioMedIT portal (accessible via SWITCH edu-ID).

Content included in the Terminology Service

  • CHOP (including historical version since 2016)

  • ICD-10 GM (including historical version since 2014)

  • SNOMED CT (including historical version since 2021-01-31)

  • LOINC (including historical version since version 2.69)

  • ATC (including historical version since 2016)

  • UCUM

If you are missing a Terminology important for your project, write us a request on dcc@sib.swiss.


Krauss P, Touré V, Gnodtke K, Crameri K, Österle S. DCC Terminology Service—An Automated CI/CD Pipeline for Converting Clinical and Biomedical Terminologies in Graph Format for the Swiss Personalized Health Network. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(23):11311. https://doi.org/10.3390/app112311311